Independent Baseball League
Adult Team and Player Information
2014 Fall Season
Season Draft Starts
9/6/2014 10 Games ending 10/25/2014
Cost $190
Veterans $165 Play Friday Nights with
Lights and Saturday Day at Walker Stadium Games start 6:30 and 8:30
Friday and 11 AM, 2 PM, 5PM, 8PM
5 Teams will need 75 players (Full payment Refund due to low
fall enrollment)
NEED 60 Baseball Players or More
Sign up today and be added to one of
the Four fall ball teams No Payment needed until Season
Draft 9/6/14
It's almost
hear about baseball on the radio, you read about it
in the newspaper, you see it on TV, now you can play
it in a local Portland Stadium. Come join us, you
can play this fall for local Portland baseball
Fall Season starts in September, play 10 games with elimination
champion series
10/24 and10/25..
Rain outs made up on Monday Nights
If you are a current baseball player who wants to continue
playing ball right up to the World Series
then get your glove and come on out,
NWIBL has a team waiting
for you...... |
7800 SE 23 and SE Lambert 97202 Google maps
Player Registration Fall form 2014
Season Draft
9/6/2014 (Need 60 players Enrollment) 10 Games Start 9/12 end 10/25/2014
rules Need 4
players to step up and manage teams call 503 208 2009 for more
Player Payment for 2014 Fall Baseball use PayPal or call 503
208 2009 for credit card payment All Payments refunded if
fall ball is canceled due to low enrollment
Need 60 Players for Minimum 4 Teams
includes NWIBL Team
Dodgers and Giants, Red
Sox and Yankees
2014 NWIBL
Fall Games Played
Friday Nights and Saturday Days
(Night games start at 6:30 PM with lights)
Information about the NWIBL
Father and Sons over 18 can play on
same Baseball Teams
you have a team and want
Duane Wangenheim 503.208.2009
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