Northwest Independent Baseball League

Premier Adult Baseball for Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington

20 Game Season & Double Elimination Series 18 + Semi-Pro and 28+ Adult Teams
Register Now and Play the Game You Love

If you have a team or want Tryout Information call
Duane Wangenheim 503 208 2009

Northwest Independent Baseball League Adult Team Information Summer Season

Northwest Independent Baseball League Rules  Player conduct Form
Player Registration form 2015

2015 Try Out Date and Player Information

The NWIBL (Northwest Independent Baseball League) is a organization dedicated to playing the game of baseball on the best fields and with the best umpires available to us. We have been in existence since 2009 and are comprised of 14-18 teams from the Portland and Vancouver regions. Teams are made up of all levels of players including former high school, college and professional baseball players, 18 years of age or older. We believe in "giving something back" to the community and hold Fund raisers during season ($10 for each HR to JDRF and during the All-Star game dollars for hits and runs for MS) Our League is governed by the team managers and operated by the League Director. We also have Committees that handle Rules, Appeals, Disciplinary issues, and other issues on an ad hoc basis.

If you are wondering "where do I fit in?"; we suggest that you check out our schedule and see some of our games. It COSTS you NOTHING to join our Free Agent (Pool) list, and by signing up your INFO will be available to ALL of our managers. Signing up for the Free Agent (Pool) list online is simple: just click 2014 Player Registration Form and fill out the form. If you get picked up by a team, great! If not, you will be posted on the Free Agent page and available to play for any team. (If you do play there is a $15 charge for Accident insurance).

Monday Night Baseball Free Agent, and Team Substitute 
Because of the high number of Ball players that are not on teams we have established a Monday Night Open league game (we want everyone who wants to play to have a chance... fees... there is a $15.00 one time charge for Accident insurance and each game is $10.00 all you need is your glove. we need 20 or more players to make this work so register now and

Player fees: New players First Year 2015 pay $350 ($300 if paid before 1/31) this helps to defray the cost of advertising to assist in recruiting new players to the League which is why your fees will be lower your second year…and all years that follow. The funds the League collects by means of asking the new players to pay more pays for a small percentage of league costs and for the tryouts.

Player fees existing players: Team managers, on behalf of the League collect each player's share of the Team Fee; usually dependent on roster size. The typical cost per player is roughly $275-$325 for the season, which includes umpire fees, insurance, field fees, etc. Free Agent players typically pay a $20.00 fee...Plus a 1 time insurance fee of $15.00 They are also eligible to play in the Monday Night League.

Season length is 18-20 games for regular season play. Playoffs are additional games for teams that qualify and no additional cost. Included are the Home Run Derby, All-Star Game, Playoffs, and Championship Games (for players/teams that qualify). Playoffs consist of the teams playing in a bracket elimination tournament. Both Divisions play Double Elimination.

Players must play 25% of games to be qualified for playoffs. Top Winning team in each division receive the league championship Plaque. Top Playoff teams receive equipment.

We also have awards for Offensive Player of the Year, Pitcher of the Year, Rookie of the Year and Sportsman of the Year.
Players qualify to play tournaments. Check out the Tournaments page for dates.

Player registration ends June 1. Players in the Free Agent pool are still available to play but not qualified for playoffs.

OPENING DAYS: Saturday, 4/18/15 & Sunday, 4/26/15. Tentative

No games scheduled for Mothers Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July or Labor Day weekends.



More Questions...Q & A

How old do I have to be to play in the NWIBL?

As long as you turn 18 years of age before July 31 of the current year you are eligible to play in the NWIBL.

How long has the NWIBL been in existence?

The Northwest Independent Baseball League started in 2009 with 10 teams.

How many teams play in the NWIBL?

The NWIBL is currently comprised of 14-18 teams from the Portland OR and Vancouver Wa area..

How do I join a team?

There are several ways to join a team. The easiest way is to know a current player and, if you are good enough, tryout for their team. If you do not know any players in the league you can Register your information via the link titled "New Player Registration Form" on the top of the home page. Submitting your information will send an email to all of the league Director who will contact you to learn more about your abilities. There is also a League Draft in which New Players may be added to teams in need of more players (we try to place everyone on a team but we do have the right to place you in the Monday night league if we feel that you need more practice, we do not want to place anyone in harms way and want all player to be able to protect themselves at all times while playing). Typically 50-70 players are added to teams each season using through this method.

How often do you play and how long is the season?

Games are usually played on weeknights after 6 PM and weekends starting at 10AM  The 2015 season begins April 18. The playoffs begin in August. Each team plays an 18-20 game regular season schedule including 3-4 double-headers.

How much does it cost to play?

Players Drafted will pay a League fee of $350.

The returning player fees vary from team to team. Typically it is between $275-$400 dollars per year, per player. This fee covers costs like team bats, uniforms, other equipment, Umpires and certain league expenses like insurance. Some teams are able to obtain sponsors to help defray costs, some hold fundraisers. Some teams play approved extra road games outside the league. All teams request payment up front.

All Player and Team fees must be paid by opening day.

Teams who have not paid the team fees will be held out at the start of the games until paid. Games missed will be forfeited.

What do the uniforms look like?

Most teams have uniforms similar to major league baseball teams.

What do I need to play?

All you need is a glove, a pair of spikes/cleats (metal preferred), a good attitude, and the desire to play baseball. We play with wooden bats only so if you have a favorite bat you need that too. If you need a bat you may want to considered an approved composite wood bat...The league is a dealer for Baum, MacDougall, Davey Jones, KR3, Brett Brothers and team managers can get a Brett bat at a good discount for you ...see here

How fast is the pitching?

Most pitchers in the league have fastballs between 70-85 MPH however there are some pitchers that can top out in the high 80's in the upper division. Lower division pitchers throw between 60-75 MPH but every team has at least one pitcher who can bring it.

What positions are most in demand?

All positions are in demand however good pitchers and catchers are particularly hard to come by.

What if I want to submit an entire team?

If you are interested in starting your own team or already have a team and you would like to join the NWIBL please contact Duane Wangenheim League Director 503 208 2009 or Baseball@NWIBL.ORG Here is the process.....

1. A formal submission must be made in writing to the NWIBL by February 1 of the year that a team would like to compete. The written submission shall provide the following information: a) Team Name b) Team Manager and Contact Information c) Initial Roster of 15 players must be submitted. Additional players can be recruited before the season. e) Background on team and manager i.e. played together in another league, newly formed team, etc.

2. A Team deposit of $700 must be submitted with your application. This deposit will be refunded if the team is not allowed into the league following a vote by the NWIBL Board.

3. Cost - The estimated team league cost is $4465. This cost includes insurance, 2 dozen baseballs, and certain league related administration costs (website, umpire  and field usage fees, etc.).

This cost does not include: a) Uniforms c) Equipment d) Practice Baseballs (we will provide you with discounted options.

4. New managers and players must be familiar with the NWIBL By-Laws.

5. Once all of criteria are met the managers will vote for acceptance of new team at the February meeting where a majority vote will decide.

Where are NWIBL games played?

Games are played at Volcanoes Stadium Keizer, Luke Jensen Vancouver Wa., Sckavone and Walker Stadiums here in SE Portland a few games may be played at local High School or College fields.

What about playoffs?

Playoffs begin in August and consist teams playing in a bracket elimination tournament. Double Elimination Format. Players must play 25% of league regular season games to be eligible to participate in the playoffs.

How competitive is the league?

The Columbia Division is HIGHLY COMPETITIVE. The Willamette Division is experienced. Players in the NWIBL have baseball experience ranging from high school to a stint in the Major Leagues and every level in-between. The competition is solid but we all realize that we need to go to work the next day.

Play Hard, Play to Win, Play for Fun and Be Safe.

Use this handy form to send us your thoughts
Feedback form


Most players who pay the League registration dues will get drafted, so you've got a great chance of playing. In subsequent years some players move up to a more competitive division after showing their skills, or
polishing their skills after many years of inactivity. With different age/skill Divisions, we have room for most all ages and most all levels of talent. If you do not get drafted, we will promptly refund your money.

Players may sign up as a free agent and sub for teams in need of players during the season. There is a $20 playing fee when called to play and will be charged to credit card on file unless other arrangements are made prior to start of game. Players may be assigned to teams up to June 30 at a prorated league fee.

What if you get drafted by a team and refuse to report?

Simply put, you don't get to play and you don't get a refund. The NWIBL wants to ensure parity, which is the reason for the NWIBL Draft. Before the actual Draft, you need to decide if you really have the time,
desire and money to play. Certainly not after! To be fair to the team drafting you, you should be available to play in at least 75% of the games. If you refuse to report after being drafted, you will not be able to play
in the NWIBL for two (2) years. And there will be no refund of your registration dues. If you “drop out” on the team that drafted you, that team loses a valuable draft pick and will be without a player for a full season.
Thus, the severe penalty.

Do you need to be in shape?

Like Manny Ramirez once said, “I’m not an athlete, I’m a baseball player.” So there is hope for all of us. At this  level, the player who is in good condition can often times out perform a more skilled player.

What if you have not played for awhile?

Welcome to the crowd. Almost everyone now playing in the NWIBL had not played for a number of years. If you played some high school baseball, you probably won’t have any trouble competing. Actually, there
are some good players in the League who were outstanding athletes in other sports, but never played baseball during their youth. Give it a whirl; there is no cost to try out.

Play part time be a free agent and sub for teams in need of players during the season and play in the fall season.

What about equipment?

Besides purchasing your uniform, there’s your glove, cleats (metal or plastic) and other personal gear that you must have. Most teams will have bats to use, but these usually belong to individual players. You are
encouraged to have your own wood bat and batting helmet. A helmet that fits can be purchased for $15-40 from a baseball catalog or a sporting goods store. Wood Bats and Wood Composite -3 are the only bats
allowed........are mandatory. No bat may have a differential of greater than –3 and must be BESR certified (Length can’t be more than 3 ounces more than the weight in ounces). corked bats will be removed from play and the player suspended for 3 games.

For the Tryouts, you are strongly encouraged to bring your own bat and helmet. Generally, each catcher has his own equipment. Don’t forget to mark your equipment in case it gets misplaced.

Where are the games played?

As the premier adult league in the area, we are privileged to play on the best fields available in the greater Portland area. These fields are located at Sckavone Stadium, Walker Field and Clark Community
College The league will play approximately 100 games this season. We continually strive to improve the overall field quality in our game inventory through feedback from teams and by working with the schools
and communities who provide the venues.

When are the games?

Generally, teams will average two (2) games per week over the regular season with fewer games in May and June and more games in July and August. Weekday games on unlit fields usually begin at 6:00 pm at lighted fields. Games will last seven innings; a few will end earlier due to darkness or field-specific time limits.

Is there a minimum playing time rule?

The NWIBL does have a 2 hour 30 minute rule with no inning starting after the 2 hour 15 minute spot. Many teams have policies of playing every player who shows up for the game both offensively and in the field.


We'll have rainouts, no doubt. The League Rainout Line is 503 823 3020. Every effort is made to post rainout information at least 2 hours before the scheduled first pitch. Obviously, at times this is impossible. Be patient. Remember, you're not the only one playing on any given day. Some Saturdays or Sundays we'll be playing  games league-wide, so there are a lot of field conditions to monitor. The rainout hotline can be called 24 hours a day. Some days it will be updated numerous times. An effort will be made to contact the manager of a team whose game is rained out, but at times this can't be done. Every player is encouraged to call the Rainout Line several times throughout the day.

What is the role of the Manager?

The manager is the key to the overall success of this League. He is the main link between you and the League, especially with respect to communications. He must attend all monthly NWIBL General Meetings, handle
all administration and managerial functions. The manager may appoint an on-the-field manager, but in the eyes of the League the manager is the boss of his team. Click up at top in the menu on manager to learn
more about the manager’s role. However, the game strategy and decision making responsibilities on game day are those of the Field Manager, not the manager.

At the end of each season, every manager’s performance may be reviewed by the League. It takes a majority vote of the team’s players to "fire" a manager, and they must have a qualified replacement for the
ousted manager. This may be done at any time.

Once on a team, can I change teams?

No, not within your division, unless a suitable trade can be worked out. You can request to be traded at any time as long as both Managers agree and the League approves it. If you are unhappy at the
end of a season, you may go back into the Draft the following year by trying out again and, if you are selected, you can join another team within that division. Once you are on a team’s roster, you are no longer a
free agent within that division. For more information, please read the Player’s Rights document.

What umpires are used in the NWIBL?

The best available. The same professional umpires are used by the local high schools and colleges. Like the players, they make mistakes, but experience has proven that overall they make fewer mistakes (both mental and physical) than the players.

How does the NWIBL deal with discipline?

The best approach is not to find out. We are very severe to those who choose to not obey our rules. For example, a player was suspended for 7 games (with no pro rated refund) for spitting sunflower seeds on an artificial turf field, which is against the rules. Several players have been given lifetime NWIBL bans for misconduct. If the rules say you can't do something, don't do it. Because we are all adults, every player is expected to conduct him or herself beyond reproach. The excellent reputation of our League allows us to play on the best fields available. The NWIBL has established itself as being more than just a "beer league", so there are enormous penalties (and possible expulsion from the League) for any bad conduct on or near the playing fields. Ask for a set of rules if you have any questions. Your manager has a copy. They are on the website as well. When administering any punishment, the League will assume that you were fully aware of these rules before any such violation occurred. It’s not possible to register online without agreeing to the Rules of Conduct

When does the season begin and end?

It generally runs from early-April to the end of August. NWIBL Divisional Playoffs run for several weeks in August. Previous attempts to start our season earlier were met with too many rainouts and a lack of playing
fields which are occupied by youth teams.

How about Holidays during the NWIBL season?

There normally are no regular season games scheduled on Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day weekends. It is up to the team to request to play on a holiday weekend before the game schedule is finalized.
Some NWIBL teams choose to play in tournaments over the Memorial Day Weekend, July 4th and Labor Day Weekend.

What Division's can you play in?

It depends on your age. Whatever your age, you can always “play down” into a lower age bracket, assuming you are good enough. Unless you are an exceptional player, we encourage you to stay in your own age
category. On the registration form you may indicate whether you hope to play in the most competitive division regardless of age or that you prefer to play with players your own age.

2009 teams are open to all ages .

Again, your calendar age applies in order to be eligible to play. In other words, if your birthday is on December 31st, whatever your age is at that time qualifies you to play in the appropriate Division / age bracket
during that preceding summer season. For example, if a player doesn’t become age 28 until December 31, 2009, he is still eligible to play in the (28 and over) Division during the 2009 season (as well as in any
of the 18+ Divisions). There is no age restriction for female players. They can “play up” despite the fact that they may be younger than the required age bracket.

Can you play in two (2) Divisions?

You can do this, however, you must pay two (2) registration dues, with a discount applied to your 2nd team. The dues for your 2nd team are approximately up to the manager you play for on the second team You must indicate which Division will be your priority team in the event there is a game conflict in the schedule. This enables the managers on both teams to know your intentions in advance.

What about Medical Insurance?

Each player is personally responsible for any medical expenses as a result of an injury while playing in the NWIBL. While the League has a liability policy, it does provide medical insurance for players. (secondary to your own insurance).

Whom should you contact if you have any further questions?

Our website address is NWIBL.ORG. . Questions should be only directed to Duane Wangenheim the head of NWIBL 503 208 2009

The NWIBL telephone has a voice mail system which will have important information and updates on the Tryouts, Draft and other issues. The League telephone number is  503 208 2009.

If and when you are drafted by a team, your main contact will be your Manager.

All tryout sessions are FREE. Under no circumstances will a player be allowed on the field prior to filling out and signing a Registration Form. For this, there are no exceptions. Our Insurance requires it.

Thank you for interest and/or participation in the NWIBL. We hope to see you at the tryouts!

Please review the NWIBL Terms and Conditions:

2008 NWIBL Player Registration

The following Northwest Independent Baseball League (hereinafter referred to as the “League” or “NWIBL”) Refund Policy must be acknowledged and accepted in order to proceed to the Registration forms. If a
player does not wish to accept the League Refund Policy, the registration process will stop and the player will not be able to play in the NWIBL.

NWIBL Player Dues Refund Policy

Once a player has paid his annual dues to become a member of the NWIBL, the League will not refund dues to players who refuse to play for the team they are drafted by or are
returning to. In these cases, the league will make efforts to arrange a trade with another team, but cannot guarantee that such a trade will be completed. managers are required to fill out their rosters with
a minimum of 15 full dues paying players to cover the cost of playing a full season of baseball. As stated on the registration form, any player refusing to report or play will be banned from the league for two years
and no refund of dues will be made.

However, if a player is forced to leave a team due to season-ending injury prior to the team completing half the regular season schedule (but in no instance after the 20th of July) a player may submit a request for
a pro-rated refund of their membership dues which will be calculated based on the number of games remaining in the season for the team or teams in question AT THE TIME THE REQUEST IS SUBMITTED TO

If a player breaks a bone in the second game of the season but waits until the 10th game of the season to submit a refund request, the refund will be based on the 10 games left to play, not the 18 games left at
the time of the injury. The refund will be based on a flat rate of $20 plus $10.00 per game not played from the date the refund is requested. All other remaining dues paid are non-refundable. This includes $50 of
the original registration dues, as well as any other extra dues or late registration charges.

PLEASE NOTE: TEAMS MUST MAINTAIN 15 PAID PLAYERS FOR ANY REFUND TO BE ISSUED. Teams will be required to add players to fill out the roster to 15 prior to a refund being issued to an injured or
relocated player.

NWIBL Player Conduct & Maintenance Rules

The following is a compilation of all field rules. To be on the safe side, please apply ALL of these guidelines to EVERY field. Those who fail to observe these rules will face consequences.

Our number one rule in the League is simple and carries over from year to year: All field supervisors, groundskeepers, etc. must be treated with maximum respect. Acquiring quality fields to play on takes an
enormous amount of time and effort each year. However, we can be barred from a field for a single player’s actions. If your actions cause the League to lose games at a field, be prepared to face disciplinary
action. The same respect for field personnel must also be given to all umpires as well as to your opponents and teammates.

Managers: Do not play ineligible players (unpaid, un-signed), ever... no exception. This is one rule where there will be extreme sanctions levied, as the consequences could put the League in serious jeopardy.
You must have submitted a player application prior to a player playing
in ay league practice or official game. Required by our insurance.

Conduct Rules

WOOD BATS and Wood Composite ONLY (BBCOR.50) No bats greater than a -3 differential penalties enforced for use of illegal bats. NO CORKED BATS
Do not use profane language, alcohol, controlled substances or tobacco.
Do not smoking anywhere on or near the playing field.
Do not urinate on the fields use the restrooms.
No fighting, threatening, obscene or indecent conduct.
Stay on the warning tracks/pathways when possible, and ALWAYS when on deck (not on grass!!).
Do not take batting practice on the field before or in between games of doubleheaders.
Do not (intentionally) throw or hit balls into the fence. USE OF WIFFLE BALLS OK
Do not play pepper in front of the dugouts (outfield only).
Do not jump over fences to gain access to fields if gates are locked. Stadiums are for league games only.
Warm-up, throw, and stretch in the outfield and not in the infield or in front of the dugouts.
Do not stand or play catch on the foul lines during pre-game warm-ups.
No animals on the field or in dugouts.
Non-roster persons (i.e. children, fans) are NOT permitted in the dugout or on the playing field.
Do not park illegally to avoid a towing or parking ticket.
Pick up all trash, litter, bottles, etc. after each game, even if it's not yours.
No glass allowed on the field or in dugouts.
If the umpires call the game (rain), do not practice on the field.

Most fields will provide field preparations and maintenance. However, you should still leave the field in the same condition in which you found it. Feel free to ask maintenance personnel if you can help. If you are responsible for field maintenance (we aren't at most fields), make sure it gets done. Both teams will pitch in, the home team will be held "responsible." Complimenting our field providers and workers when appropriate is strongly encouraged. On the few fields where we are required to help with maintenance, please observe the following:

Rake dirt out of and away from the grass and do not place tarps on the grass...dirt only.
Fill in any holes on the mound and/or batters boxes before putting on tarps.
Put away all equipment (including bases if needed) and lock storage areas.
Lock up field, if applicable.

Contact Duane Wangenheim (503-208-2009)) with any questions or concerns.

For Registration problems or changes, please contact Duane Wangenheim (503-208-2009) with any questions or concerns.
if you need to make a change to your registration later.

Use this handy form to send us your thoughts
Feedback form

Contact  Northwest Independent Baseball League Duane Wangenheim 866.858.1174

2013 All Stars
 2009 -2012 All-Star and Season Pictures and Videos

Copyright © 2008 Northwest Independent Baseball League, All rights reserved. 01/08/2015 06:20 PM
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